its all make believe, isnt it?

Friday, September 17, 2010

there's no place like home!

Well, hello.
I know i haven't blogged for a while, but i just haven't really has much to say. But i just thought id write today about the comforts of home.
When i was a teenager, i would think about moving out of home and to be honest the idea scared me a little. I never thought id be able to feel as comfortable anywhere else besides my parents house, i mean it was home.
But now I'm a big girl, and I've moved out, and I'm living with my boyfriend. I just went to visit my parents for a few days, and i have to admit, i felt like a guest. It didn't feel like home anymore. I slept on the lounge, because not only does my old bed hurt my back, but my old bedroom is used for storage now. It wasn't uncomfortable, but it wasn't home anymore either. Which is actually kinda sad, In a weird nostalgic kind of way.
I mean don't get me wrong, i love living out of home, and i don't exactly miss living with my parents. I do miss seeing my mum everyday, and being able to have a coffee and a smoke and a chat with her whenever i felt the need.
I guess its just growing up, and i know I'm whinging, and i should be happy that I'm out in the world, out of the nest and all that cliche bullshit parent say to their kids in movies, and in a way i am. Actually more than 'in a way'. 
I guess it was just being back at my mums and it not feeling like home for the first time just triggered this thinking out loud badly written blog. 
Oh well. I guess that's all i have to say for now.
You stay classy.. Planet earth.