its all make believe, isnt it?

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Dear people who bitch about smokers,

I would like to write this open letter addressed to people who constantly complain about smokers.
What is your fucking issue. Why do you feel the need to constantly whinge and complain about something someone else is putting into their bodies? All smokers know the habit they have is disgusting, it causes cancer, its bad for them, blah blah blah. They've heard it all before. But it's THEIR choice. A completely legal choice which they are well with in their rights to make. I know your main complaint is 'passive smoking' yes, passive smoking can cause cancer, but not if you get a face full of smoke every once in a while walking down the street, your more likely to get sick from all the carbon monoxide coming out of trucks, cars and buses. You don't complain constantly about that. How about the disgustingly over weight people costing tax payers millions a year? Do you follow them into McDonalds and bitch when they eat gross artery clogging food? What about drinkers? Drunks are violent and reckless, they kill people on the roads and fight in the streets, and alcohol is just as bad for you as smoking, none of you complain about that.
I smoke. My partner does not. I never smoke inside, I use an ashtray, a bin if I'm in public, I make an effort to stop my smoke from going into people's faces. I work in child care, I don't smoke in or near my centre, I don't even talk about it in front of the children in my care. I pay taxes, I give to the salvation army red shield appeal, I stand on the train for more needy people. I'm just like every other non smoker, except I've made an informed decision to smoke, as bad as it is for me, it's my choice. It does not make me a shit person. This goes for every other smoker I know. Smoking does not make us shit people, it does not change our personalities. Stop discriminating and picking on smokers and pick on something that is actually damaging society.
Sincerely, all smokers everywhere.

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