its all make believe, isnt it?

Tuesday, August 10, 2010


I just watched Dr. Phil. (yes i watch Dr.Phil and i love love it) And the episode was about bullies. These people make me sick. I don't understand how you can terrorize another human being so badly that they want to take their own life. What did your victims ever do to you? Be a little different, listen to different music, date someone you like? Or even stick up for some other poor kid you were already terrorizing? How do any of these things constitute you making their teenage lives a living hell? I remember being 13, 14, 15, and being at high school and my parents telling me 'Your teenage years are the best years of your life, enjoy them' It makes me wonder if adults actually remember what it was really like to be a teenager, puberty, dating, making friends, losing friends, school yard dramas, first love, first heart break and so on, and that's without bullying involved. I was bullied in high school, not really badly, but called names, had things written about me in school bathrooms, physically pushed around, its not a nice feeling. People say to you, 'get over it, its not that bad, stick up for yourself, suck it up' etc. But they clearly have no idea what its like to be the target of constant abuse and rumours, people laughing at you and talking about you behind your back. When your a teenager, this is the worst thing in the world. No-one deserves to be treated like that. Ever. It makes you feel like crap, makes you scared to go to school, makes your grades drop, and if you don't have a strong and true group of friends around you it makes you feel isolated and alone. Its not very nice at all. I was one of the lucky ones, I had a loyal group of friends and one best friend who stuck by me and stuck up for me no matter what, and I hate to think about the way I would have turned out, or the way the situation could have gone if I didn't have them. So I thank them. But not everyone is as lucky as I was, some people have nobody their so called 'friends' back away from them, so they don't cop it aswell, so they feel all alone, with no-one to talk to, no-one to help. This is the reason we get young girls and boys taking their own lives, because they feel its the only way out. This. Is. WRONG! Nobody deserves this, what if it was you, your sister, your brother, your friend, your child. How would you react? Bullying should be taken as seriously as physical abuse, it can not only end in suicide, but it scars you for the rest of your life. You become un-trusting of people, you find it hard to make friends, the only thing it gives you that is halfway good is a passionate opinion about this particular subject.

We as a whole community, as a country as human beings, need to do something about this.Otherwise we are going to continue losing young people to suicide. Needless violence and verbal abuse has to be stopped. If you are a friend of someone being bullied, or even if you just see it happening, and you don't do anything about it, you are just as bad as the bully, support the bullied person, become their friend, you and your group of Friends stick up for him/her, report the bully. If you are being bullied, tell your parents, tell a teacher, tell the principal, telling is not tattling when your being bullied, its the right thing to do. And lastly if your a parent who is worried about your childs safety, or think your child may be being bullied, be aware of your childs moods, talk to them, talk to the school, make sure you make that child feel loved and accepted, and if the bullying gets worse or doesn't stop, pull your child out of that school.

If you are Reading this, and you are a bully, or used to be a bully, then you make me sick. Think about how much you hurt the people you were needlessly cruel to. Grow up.

Have you been a victim of bullying? Or been a Bully? Or even been a bystander? Tell me your experience.

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